Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-20

  • @Pastor_Brion um, unless mom, dad and you want to tell me something. I YOUR ONLY BROTHER! in reply to Pastor_Brion #
  • Just bought a ton of school supplies and the wife says we aren't done yet? Backpacks, folders and more. I'm too old to hate school. #
  • Going to see Transformers 2 with my the most amazing person in the world my daughter!!!! Yay!:D #
  • Last message was written by the "amazing" daughter. #
  • Transformers was a great ride. Sound went out for several minutes during what looked like a cruicial scene. We scored free tickets though. #
  • RT @afreytes: D.C. police chief says drivers who use iPhone to find speed traps are "cowardly": - that's just too funny. #

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