
KellysWorld - Translated

KellysWorld Translated In To Koren Okay, this is really cool. At least I think so. A new feature of KellysWorld is the ability to translate it into one of a long list of languages. That's right, for those living in say Korea who's English might not be 100% they can read KellysWorld in their native tongue. The power of computers and the web, truly amazing. How do you translate the site? All you do is click on the language of the site and rather quickly a new version of the site pops up properly formatted in the language of choice. For now I've selected Korean, German, French and Spanish; but there is a really long list of choices, but 4 seemed enough for now.

Even if you don't need to read KellysWorld in one of 4 other languages feel free to click on the button and see what happens. I was amazed at how very well it worked, and I'm hard to amaze when it comes to technology.