
Big Family Dinner & Reunion

In honor of my mom coming all the way from Whidbey Island, Washington, the entire extended family (14 members from my side) got together for dinner at a local Chinese Buffet in Frisco. First though we all met at my uncle’s house for drinks, hors d’oeuvres and catching up. Once the family had gathered together we piled into the family bus. It’s a long story, but basically one of our younger members has a small bus that he has fixed up and uses at college to shuttle party goers to and from 6th street in Austin. The bus shuttled us to a local restaurant in relative comfort and lots of gabbing.

We all had a wonderful dinner at The Great Wall of China Buffet. Everyone chatted, continuing to catch up with one another. Mom with everyone and my sub-set with most as we only get to see most of them a few times a year. Good times to be sure.

After dinner it was back on the bus, a little wetter due to a sudden summer rain, and back to my uncle’s house for desert and some Mavericks action - GO MAVS!! Soon we all had to go our separate ways as another work day is quickly creeping around the corner.

Mom heads up to Tulsa for several days on Thursday, returning on Sunday. Then come Monday I have to take her to DFW and her return flight to Seattle.

Soon though my brother and his family will be traveling down this way on their vacation. So it will be one family reunion after another during Summer 2011.