
Dick & Peggy Visit

Dick & Peggy Visit the Family

Tracy’s dad and his wife Peggy drove down to Dallas from Michigan last week to spend a long weekend with Tracy in celebration of her birthday. We all had a wonderful time, especially Tracy. She has been long separated from her dad only reconnecting a few years ago, shortly before our wedding. Dick and Peggy’s visit was extremely important to Tracy and a great opportunity for our daughters to get to know yet another set of grandparents. Below you will find a link to my gallery with photos from their visit. The next step is for us to make the long drive up to Michigan and spend some time with them in their hometown near Lake Erie.

Dick, I promised I would get the photos posted quickly this time. True to my word... Here’s the link!

Dad & Nancy Come to Town


Last weekend for the holiday Dad and Nancy drove down from Tulsa for a few days to visit. We hadn't seen them since our wedding last November. Tracy and I have been trying to get up to Tulsa, but obviously not trying hard enough since we haven't made it.

They came down on Friday and left on Sunday morning. Tracy and I both stayed home on Friday and did our best to keep the hounds of business from trampling down our door. Tracy succeeded far better than I, but eventually I was able to put all my troubles to bed until after the holiday. While I worked on closing out a few work issues, Tracy gave Dad and Nancy the 5 cent tour of our new house. Then once they were settled in, we all headed to Ballard Street Cafe for an eagerly awaited lunch.

Saturday morning Dad and I headed off to Dallas to find him his favorite Irish Whisky, Red Breast, that he discovered during our wedding at Trinity Hall in Dallas. We then headed back towards my neck of the woods, with a leisurely stop at a new cigar shop in Garland. There I treated Dad to a good cigar in the store's cigar lounge. Very enjoyable.

The rest of the weekend was really just spent relaxing, eating and chatting. It was a very enjoyable time, although too short.

Dad Comes to Town

Father & Son

Dad came down for father's day this year along with Nancy. We hadn't seen them in a while and we had a great weekend. Too much of it was taken up with buying the new cars, but Dad got to take part in that process and I think he enjoyed himself. He really liked the BMW 5 Series. His kind of car. Although I'm with him... IT'S PRICY. We didn't do anything in Dallas too special, but we did have a great father's day celebration and he had an opportunity to meet Carlos and Javier, plus his soon to be great grand-son.

Dad and I got a chance to sit and talk and enjoy a couple of great glasses of my favorite new adult beverage, Port. Man is that some good stuff. Sunday night we even enjoy smoking some great cigars I picked up at my favorite cigar shop. They were Guerka's that are infused with Louis XIV. Very smooth cigars, with a bit of sweet taste. Not something I would smoke too often, not a $11 a stick; but for a special occasion like Father's day... you bet.

It wasn't all port and cigars though. We did sit down and watch the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch & the Wardrobe together. Dad hadn't seen it yet and I think he enjoyed watching it on a big television in our makeshift media room. Dad also checked out our vacuum cleaner and slapped me up side the head for not keeping it as clean as I should. Yes, I know better. Good news on that front, it's still in great working condition. Dad rebuilt the vacuum himself several years ago for me and it still runs very well.

All of us had a great time. Mom had been here just a few months before to meet Tracy and see the house and this was the first time Dad has visited since Tracy and Courtney moved into the house. So Tracy and I are nearly done checking off the "must have's" before the wedding. All of that in one great weekend.