
Hilton Village Waikiki Singers - Poker Face at the ALA 2012 Luau

This is a pretty cool deal if you like music...

This is a pretty cool deal if you like music and are interested in a streaming music service. For $23/mo you can have three separate mobile accounts. You are NOT forced to post to FaceBook like Spotify too! I like Spotify, but Rdio doesn't force you to use Facebook and more of the music I want to listen to is on Rdio. It's Mac friendly too, just like Spotify! Introducing: Rdio Family Plans - Rdio Blog — Rdio Blog

For many people sharing music starts at home, between parents, kids and significant others. Starting today, sharing music in a household isn’t just convenient, it’s also more economical—we’re proud to...

Looking for Album Art???


Came across a cool website while reading Digg, Josh's iTunes Album Art. What is it? Well, it is a webisite that had figured out a way to dig into the heart of the iTunes Music Store and pull out the album art it holds. Why is this cool? Well, if you don't buy your albums on iTunes you may not have the album art and don't want to scan it yourself. If that is the case, then you can use this website to try and grab a high-res version of your new album's cover.


Now, if you are using iTunes then you may already know that Apple gives anyone the ability to download their digital album art; even if you didn't buy the album from iTunes Music Store. It's really easy and works on both Macs and PCs. Josh's iTunes Album Art website is great if you don't have this or don't use iTunes. In any event, it's pretty cool to use. Of course, Apple could shut him down anything they want, and may do so. One never knows with Apple.

RIAA Wants to Stop Recording Digital Radio

This won't affect anyone today, but tomorrow is another story. While I don't record songs off the airways anymore, as a child I did. I would record the songs for later listening or make my own radio show. While I believe that the artists and lables have a right to their hard earned (I guess it is hard) money, if they want to make money selling songs and albumns they will have to find a way to do it, not make the actions of millions of law abiding citizens criminals by passing a law that won't actually curb real pirating.

There is always a work around, there is always a faster computer and a smarter programmer that will figure out how to break what has been locked. The RIAA is getting out of control and to my eternal shame, our government is actually helping them. In the past they have been told to take a flying leap, as was the MPAA back in the early 80's with VCRs. Not anymore.

Broadcast flags, CDs that install software that can cripple your computer, CDs that you can't rip to your iPod. It's just insane! All we can do is complain and not buy products from folks that participate in these ventures.

File under "No Surprise": The RIAA wants to take away your right to record songs off the radio

read more | digg story