
Feel Like Cow Dung

I've been sick these past few days. Per usual it snuck up on me and by Sunday was hitting me over the head. Nothing terribly serious, but slowing me down and of course I felt like cow dung. So after a morning of errands with the family I took the rest of the day off in the hopes I would recover that much faster. Monday morning I woke up feeling a little better. Enough do as to believe I could take on the day and go to work. I quickly realized I was fooling myself. After completing a report for my boss and putting out a few "fires" I gave up and headed home. Unfortunately work chased me down the rest of the afternoon. Nothing to rigorous but enough to keep me from actually resting.

Fast forward to this morning and it's more of the same. Last night was difficult to sleep until I propped my back up with a few extra pillows around 2:30. That allowed me to actually sleep. When I woke up though -BLAH! A very scientific term for, "I still feel like cow dung."

So today I'm not making the mistake of yesterday, I'm going to hold up here at home. There is no real escaping work, but this way I won't make anyone else sick and I may get some more rest.

My daughter is sick too. Don't know if I gave her what I got, she gave me what she got or if we both "got" something different. Never-the-less we are two sick folks staying home for the day. As grand as that sounds, I have work to do. Oh, did I mention I feel like cow dung?

UPDATE: 3:51 PM 10/11/11 - Went to the doctor today. Turns out that I have a upper respiratory infection. Lucky me! I also have a splitting headache to go along with the coughing and the overall "icky" feeling.

Under the Weather

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that with Tracy being sick for the past few weeks I would follow in short order, and my immune system has seen fit to make that a reality. I'm not too bad off yet, just a little dizzy when I move about and a soar throat; nothing that will keep me down. Yet, I don't feel 100% and don't expect I will for a few days.

All part of the whole "marriage" and "family" thing. As much as I hate being sick and feeling under the weather, it's a worthy trade-off for all that I have gained in the past year and will gain in the coming years. So while Tracy may have given me, whatever it is have, she has given me much, much more!

Sick of Being Sick

I do so hate being sick,
I might prefer a stick,
Or even my head upon a brick,
Just not drowsy, coughing, fever sick.

If after reading this you have an overpowering sensation to jump in front of subway train or bus, then you have a fair idea of how I felt these past few days. Okay, so maybe I exaggerate a little.... a subway train would be quicker.

The flu or whatever came over me found its way into my life Monday in the form of a very soar throat and by Wednesday I was feverish and coughing to the point that Gracy was keeping her distance; and Gracy never keeps her distance. The worst part of being sick though, isn't the coughing, the fever, the aches or any of the physical manifestations but the sheer boredom that comes with doing the right thing and staying as far away from other human beings as possible to keep me from passing on the "fun." Even for someone that enjoys a great movie or two, sort of loses it after three or four in a row; especially when you are constantly falling asleep during them. I did enjoy a little time "fragging" terrorists and aliens; you know, good social fun.

Admittedly being sick over Thanksgiving might lead one to think there isn't much to "give thanks" for, but alas even sick I can say that I have a warm home, a good job and all-things-considered, good health. Before you start to think that I didn't get to enjoy Thanksgiving at all, I am happy to report that one of my neighbors, after finding out I was sick, brought me over turkey plate feast with all the trimmings. My appetite wasn't as hardy as usual, but I managed to scarf most of it down with a bit of a smile on my face. When you are sick of being sick, there is nothing quite like a great tasting meal that you didn't have to cook yourself.