
MacBook Pro 15" 2009 Review

No, I didn't get a new MacBook Pro; mine is still quite good thank you. I did though run across this review on YouTube. It's for the latest and greatest MacBook Pro 15" that was released a few months ago. If you are curiuos, the main difference between the mid-2009 and late 2008 MacBrook Pros, the mid-2009 is: a little faster, has a slightly better screen, no removable battery, 7 hrs of batter life, slightly bigger harddrive, SD card slot. Cool features, but no reason to upgrade from a 2008 to a 2009. When my wife reads this, she won't believe me. I have to admit that this guy loves Mac already; but that being said, it's a good review of the MacBook Pro and good quality video. The review was done by Chris Frilla.

[youtube jAnjqy80t0A&hl]

PowerBook Credit

Simply put NO! I finally decided to replace my aging notebook. I've had it for three years and although it will do every day tasks with great ease, it doesn't handle the bigger jobs I want to do; plus without a DVD burner I have no easy way to back up the huge amount of data I have in songs and photos. My biggest reason for replacing it though is to be able to more easily work on video. This current notebook, just doesn't have what it takes. So, like I was mentioning I finally decided to take the plung and replace my old friend. Further I decided to really take the plunge and replace my old wintel HP with a brand new Apple PowerBook. My last PowerBook was a wonderful little machine but I gave him up about 7 or 8 years ago when I made the move to Windows. A black day. They haven't been bad years and for a while it was just a better system to own; but for creativity that just isn't the case anymore.

Last night I logged onto Apple website for the thousandth time, this week, and configured my dream machine. No desktop for me, I like my freedom. It was a 15" PowerBook with a huge hard drive, beautiful screen, decent amount of memory and the OS that kicks when its time to get creative. Then it was time to "buy!"

Now, I don't have the cash lying around to replace my HP and even if I did; I would still prefer to put myself on a payment plan for the time being. Simple cash flow issue. So I applied for an Apple Loan (do you see where this is going), I mean come on I own a house, a car and make a decent living. I answered the simple questions and holding my breath I clicked on "SUBMIT." The screen happily told me that I would have an answer in 10 to 15 seconds. I anxiously stepped away from my notebook and as I did I heard a beep. The results were back. The envelope ready. The ANSWER WAS ------> nope.

Yes I was declined. The screen was apologetic, but said that I "regretfully" didn't qualify. It then proceeded to tell me that in about 5 days I should get a letter that will no doubt remind me that I was "regretfully" rejected. I am sure it will further tell me that I am not a bad person, just not person that they will do business with today.

So my dreams of walking the light fantastic with a pretty aluminum PowerBook will have to wait for another day; unless I can figure out some other way to skin this cat.

Maybe I shouldn't have applied for a loan for a replacement computer on the computer I was replacing. Sort of like asking your current girlfriend what she thinks of the good looking girl in the corner before you dump the current girlfriend to go be with the girl in the corner. I don't know about you, but I am pretty certain that my computer has feelings. Cause when it gets pissed off, I can't get anything done.