
TU Alumni Dallas Chapter

Had our first meeting of the TU Alumni Association, Dallas Chapter. It went very well. Everyone there seems to have good ideas and a desire to get involved. Should make the organization run pretty smoothly and in the end, fun. We met at Chili's in Dallas with the Director of the Alumni Department of TU. I think she will be great to work with, she seems to really care about not only the current students but the alumni as well, from all levels; not just those with deep pockets.

TU Alumni Chapter In Dallas

A few weeks ago I attended the first meeting of the new Alumni group for TU in Dallas. Met a few people I haven't seen since my TU days. Anyway, this was the chater meeting and they were looking for folks interested in leadership posstions. Today I got an e-mail from teh President of the Dallas Chapter. The e-mail was sent to everyone that signed the charter I believe. Anyway, I e-mailed back telling her that I was open to filling any possition she deemed good for the chapter, but I said that I would very much like to be the webmaster. I have been working hard on this site and I think it would be very cool to work on the TU Alumni Dallas Chapter web site. I think many of the features I have built into this site would work great for a true organization.
We shall see.