
A New Daughter

adoption day

After a very long process, A VERY LONG PROCESS, Tracy and I have the pleasure to announce that we have a new daughter. At a little before 9:00 am this morning, the State of Texas declared that Kristie Marie was legally our daughter; if not already in spirit. While Kristie is not my first daughter, she is the first child in my life to share my family name.

Tracy and I started talking about adoption even before we married, and officially started the process back in November of 2007 when we attended an informational meeting on adoption in Plano. The following January we started attending classes that were required to become certified as potential adoptive parents. In the meantime we were also working towards meeting Kristie. That wouldn’t happen until Tracy’s birthday last year, March 21st. Our first visit with Kristie was basically the State of Texas’ birthday present to Tracy.

New Daughter

In August of last year, we received permission to allow Kristie to become our foster daughter; a requirement before any adoption can be consummated. Six months as a family, before the State of Texas actually makes you a family. That six month date passed in February, and here we are just a few weeks later and Kristie is now our daughter.

If it sounds as though it took a while to happen, it did; but for us the wait was long. For many others it takes years to consummate an adoption. Worse yet, there are thousands of children in North Texas alone that are still “in the system.” Many of those children will never know adoption, only foster care.

By all accounts Kristie seems extremely happy and ready to become a Spore. Not sure if anyone really wants to celebrate becoming a “Spore,” but the name comes with the family. Oh, and to make this all a little extra sweet, Kristie will share the exact same monogram as me - KMS. Just makes a dad smile.