My Most Used iPhone Apps

I love using my iPhone. When my wife got me the original for Christmas back in 2007, it literally changed how i used a mobile phone. I had used smartphones for years as well as PDAs, but while impressed with the technology their ease of use was always problematic. Then Apple introduced apps and changed my life, especially my digital life. Apps opened a new world of mobile computing I had only dreamed of as a child and an adult.

Today I don't leave the house for so much as a gallon of milk without my iPhone and often my iPad. The apps on them have become stitched into the fabric of my life more so than any computer I've ever used. That simple fact is due primarily to apps. Below are those Apps I use most often on my iPhone. They are not in order and they aren't the most powerful apps I have either. They are simply the ten apps I'm most likely to use each day.

  1. Safari
  2. Mail
  3. Wikipanion
  4. PocketCasts
  5. ProCamera
  6. Messages
  7. Path
  8. FaceBook
  9. Snapseed
  10. Zite

If I listed an 11th it would be Audible.

Of course I use the phone, but I really don't think of it as an App.
