Apple - Think Different Ad

Apple Think DifferentThis was the beginning of the "Think Different" campaign that Steve Jobs used to "re-launch" Apple into the public mind. Like so much of what Steve Jobs did, this ad was seen as many as to be way off the mark. Of course today it is seen as one of the best ad campaigns ever. Actually, that this ad is so good isn't really all that shocking; but that Apple has had several top rated ad campaigns that WORKED, is surprising. Most everyone, when they think of great Apple ad campaigns probably think of 1984, or the more recent "I'm a Mac" ads. This ad though is as good as the others, and many have already noted that it may even speak to the mind set of Steve Jobs.

Apple has come a long way since this ad was first run, but like "1984" it left an indelible mark on Apple, advertising and of course those that saw the ad. You will find the video for this ad, after the break...