Joined GooglePlusToday Podcast!

Google Plus IconToday I was honored to be one of the first guests on the new, and very popular, podcast - GooglePlusToday (iTunes Link). I wasn't part of the show for any particular reason, other than I just happened to answer a tweet from Dennis Freitas. He had some invites to GooglePlus and I asked if I could have one. Later I noticed that he was looking for anyone that might be interested in being a guest on his new show. I jumped at the chance. Dennis is probably best known for his podcast Your Mac Show, as well as a few others shows. With the release of Google Plus Dennis saw an opportunity to have a new podcast and to get in on the ground floor. His speed and forethought have done him service as he has already shot to the top of the tech podcast charts on iTunes. So congrats to Dennis!I was joined with Dennis by Bethany Simpson for just over 30 minutes of great conversation on the very new Google Plus. I was the newbie, only joining today. Both of them were veterans, using the service now since the end of June. Google Plus is in a very limited beta, so most likely you won't be able to get in unless your timing is perfect.

Being on his show was a great deal of fun and I think I added something to the conversation; at least I hope I did. I don't know if I will get to join in conversations about Google Plus in the future, but if so I'm ready and able.

The show should be available later this weekend. Just follow the iTunes link or checkout his webpage at After you listen, drop me a line and tell me how I did.