Winscape Intro - A Window to the World

Okay... TOTALLY COOL! I twitted this earlier, but this is one of those must adds to my website. Basically the video below shows you a way to have a window into many different places right in your living room by seemingly looking through a window. I came upon this on TUAW (Mac's are used to run the software and drive the 2 HD plasma TVs). You can find more information on their website at There you can find more videos, including their HowTo. This isn't a simple or inexpensive project, but it sure is one hell of a cool project.

As you watch the video, the first scene is cool, but when they show the windows looking into the world under the sea, that's incredible. Just check it out. Youtube offers this one up in 1080p, so choose that and go full screen!!

httpvh:// (iPhone Friendly)

Winscape Features:

  • Custom Winscape software with configurable screen parameters
  • Two HD plasma displays for great contrast and wide viewing angles
  • Video playback resolution of 1920x1080 with sound
  • Still-image resolution of 4096x4096
  • Fully embedded in the wall for aesthetics and silent operation
  • Tracking of one person in the room for proper perspective presentation
  • Scheduled on/off
iPhone and web control of sleep/wake/scene selection