Tweets for 2010-04-05

  • Tables are set. Bunny place cards cut, folded and placed. Lunch is being prepped. Hey it's only 9am. We don't waste any time around here. #
  • Snack tray with meat, cheese, crackers and olives out and ready for piliging. #
  • Special mini Easter Baskets brought by Grandma. #
  • We are done opening Easter gifts. Yes, we give Easter presents! #
  • @dsilverman Twittelator Pro. Haven't used on the iPad (don't own one) but it's great on iPhone and Leo seems to like it. in reply to dsilverman #
  • Check out my video picks on - 5 different vidoes on iPad unboxing and reviews. #
  • Playing a game with the family. It's called Urban Myth. Not played it before, looks like fun!! #

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