Tweets for 2010-04-04

  • Watching the web coverage of the iPad release.... it's crazy... just what Mr. Jobs was hoping to see. The best ads in the world - FREE! #
  • @donmcallister Not bad man... getting one of the coolest gadgets, from one of the coolest companies, at their coolest store - 5th Ave! in reply to donmcallister #
  • @donmcallister Does seem like a really long commute "just" to buy a REALLY BIG iPAD TOUCH though! :) in reply to donmcallister #
  • @CaliLewis You do know they were offering home delivery in Dallas right? No waiting in line, well, except maybe for Neal. in reply to CaliLewis #
  • @dsilverman You didn't want to wait in line with 200 of your closest friends... well, they would be by day's end... in reply to dsilverman #
  • @CourtA10 Welcome to the TwitterVerse my daughter... let the twittering begin! in reply to CourtA10 #
  • @donmcallister Congrats on the new babies... one for you and one for a lucky someone... in reply to donmcallister #
  • Word of the day on - Twestival.... hm, think they are referring to iPad mania? n. a way to take part in a global event... #
  • @CaliLewis congratulations! Only one? Is Neal out of luck? in reply to CaliLewis #
  • The family and i have dinner in a little while with my aunt and uncle. That will be relaxing, tomorrow brunch with 14 people. #
  • Read an article that said piper Jeffrey has revised their 1st day sales of iPads from 250k to 700k. Is that even possible? 700k units? #
  • @donmcallister Good to have you stateside again. Enjoy your vacation and your new iPad. Happy Easter! in reply to donmcallister #

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