Texas Stadium - Gone With the Wind

This weekend an era came to an end in Irving, Texas. The Texas Stadium (35 Mil to build), home of the Dallas Cowboys from 1971 until 2008 was brought down in spectacular fashion. I've driven by the stadium countless times on my way to Irving. It's actually hard to imagine what it will be like driving down Loop 12 into Irving and not seeing the stadium.  I was only in the stadium once and that was for a big country concert. That was actually my first time ever in a professional football stadium (Skelly Stadium didn't count - Professional Soccer). For some interesting facts and the story on Texas Stadium check the Texas Stadium's wikipedia page, lots of really cool information on the former stadium.

Below check out this YouTube video of the implosion. Be sure to play this video right, click on play and then choose to go to Full Screen (assuming your hardware can handle it). You can choose up to 1080p HD. Now, it may bring a tear to your eye as Texas Stadium truly is gone with the wind.