Kelly's Tweets for 2010-01-04

  • Hey, the NYTimes on Twitter's usefulness and endurance. Pretty interesting. NYTimes: Why Twitter Will Endure #
  • Good article in the Dallas Morning News on the impact of the Cotten Bowl moving to the new Cowboy stadium from the Cotton Bowl Stadium. #
  • Can you still call it the Cotten Bowl Game if it isn't in the Cotten Bowl? #
  • 2010, the year I hopefully figure out how to better use Twitter, but more importantly how to use Twitter and FaceBook together. #
  • Just completed the annual "unsubscribe" e-mail event. At least once a year I do this. Some I remember saying yes to, others not so much. #
  • Outback has a dressed bake potatoe. Where do you find a suite that fits a potatoe? #
  • Going to watch Band of Brothers on bluray in anticipation of The Pacific on HBO. I'm a sucker for war movies. #
  • @jeffmccord CES is coming? Didn't know. :) in reply to jeffmccord #

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