Kelly's Tweets for 2009-10-22

  • On my way to Shreveport on business. Raining all the way. Quick stop at Starbucks to warm things up. #
  • @jeffmccord iDont ads are stupid in my book. Don't like the iPhone, okay, shows us what's better. "iDont" isn't buzz, it's buzz kill. #
  • @donmcallister what's "MM"? in reply to donmcallister #
  • @donmcallister okay. That was a DUH!! Moment. Magic Mouse looks great! in reply to donmcallister #
  • I admit, it's nice to get out of the office. Drive isn't too bad. Lots of trees. Of course paperwork is building up on my desk. #
  • Finally on our way back to Dallas. Long day and not over. #
  • 100 miles to Dallas. Will this trip never end? #
  • Had to stop for awhile and eat dinner. Lost time but filled my tummy with BBQ. #

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