Kelly's Tweets for 2009-10-04

  • The wife kicked butt on her GMAT today!!!! So proud of her. #
  • Now it's off to a wedding in Garland. Hope it's indoors, the weather is about to take a turn on the wet side. #
  • The minister at this wedding is the same one from my wedding. The groom is even Irish. The only thing missing is a pub & a pint of Guiness. #
  • Good food, good drinks, good music, great company = GREAT WEDDING!! everyone is having a great time. #
  • They are playing Thriller and 6 year old kids know the dance routine. #
  • Wedding music: start w/40's & 50's dash of easy listening. Then classical, then back to 40's & 50's. Move to '70's & 80's, end with current #
  • Playing Black Eyes Pees - Boom Boom... Old folks have scrambled. No I don't count my wife and I as old. #
  • Home safe and sound. Of course back out again just before midnight to pick-up the youngest from school. #

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