Kelly's Tweets for 2009-09-08

  • @donmcallister I don't see Spotify in the US store. The news stories I find are UK in origin. Don, is it UK only? in reply to donmcallister #
  • Time for grocery shopping. Don't everyone volunteer at once. #
  • Ran into my first copyright issue. On one video I agree... but on the other the music is playing in the background. Hmmmmm #
  • I uploaded a YouTube video -- Carlos Jr Year One #
  • I uploaded a YouTube video -- Christmas 2008 #
  • Interesting. One of my videos had the audio totally yanked. The other is still in place. On the yanked I used YouTube's Audioswap - cool! #
  • I favorited a YouTube video -- Miley Cyrus - Party In The USA - Live Today Show August 28th 2009 #
  • @jeffmccord Now, Now.... stop the hating on Miley... She isn't even 18 yet. She at least writes her own stuff. Unlike some teen queens. in reply to jeffmccord #
  • RT @tuaw This is funny. Windows crashing at a college football game and announcing it to everyone in the stadium. #
  • @jeffmccord ummmm I'm not sure how to respond. I think anything I say will come across as "he doth protest too much." in reply to jeffmccord #
  • Thus the holiday ends. Back to a normal schedule. Yipp Eeeh! #
  • @jeffmccord Reqs for holiday Extension submitted to Father Time in tripp 3 weeks in advance. Office closed for 4 weeks before holiday. in reply to jeffmccord #

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