Kelly's Tweets for 2009-08-31

  • Already vacuumed, cleaned the bathrooms and done some dusting; plus a couple of loads of laundry. Do I know how to party on Sunday or what! #
  • @dsilverman I seem to be in the minority, but I like Safari and use it regularly. in reply to dsilverman #
  • Grilling burgers for the family. It's actually nice outside at 3:30 in the afternoon. Even for late August that is good. #
  • Trying to update my Twitter profile with a new cartoon avatar. Just used my original avatar for now. #
  • @jeffmccord Wow... I understand... my wife doesn't like it when I go down the road; but less leave the state. in reply to jeffmccord #
  • Snow White and Star Trek are both available for pre-order on Amazon. My tastes do seem to run a strange gamete. #
  • @geoffsmith I don't think I got hit with extra dubious fees, but now you got me wanting to recheck my AT&T bill for new dubious fees. in reply to geoffsmith #
  • Time to get some shut eye. Back to work tomorrow. #

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