- RT @Joseph_Yi Geek Eye Candy: HD Video on the iPhone 3GS http://bit.ly/TNuzN "pretty cool!" #
- Well it's official. I'm 39. Here's the bad news. Were I still living in Korea, I would be 40. #
- MacBook Touch - Fake but very cool.... http://bit.ly/148cg7 It's a french site, but the photo is worth a 1000 words. #
- Movie selection this summer has sucked! Yes we got Star Trek, Harry Potter and Up!, but that's really it. 2012, you better be good! #
- Um, would someone tell AT&T summer ends in just over a week and we still have no MMS... #
- On my way with the family to see a good friend and her new born. Babies are always fun. #
- Trying out Twitterific 2.1. Seems fast. Can do video, but that only reminds me I can't. Man, I do want everything. #
- Just finished a special birthday dinner made by the wife and about to open presents. #
- Excellent birthday. Spent with family and friends. Scored a few nice gifts too. Some great movies and a 500gb HD for my MacBook Pro. #
- Two of the screws in my MacBook Pro HD were stripped. Amazing. I've never touched them. Guess I can buy replacements. #
- @leolaporte as I'm sure many are saying, "that's great news." in reply to leolaporte #
- I'm loving Twitterific 2.1. Fast, pretty and some cool features. #
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