Easter Sunday - 2009

Today, Tracy and I hosted Easter Sunday brunch. Carlos Sr., Desiree, Carlos Jr and Landen came over along with another young family that Carlos knows from the military. Gay and Paul also joined us. Tracy out did herself making several quiches that were devoured completely. Typically we have leftovers after big holiday meals, but not today. Apparently real men do eat quiche and a lot of it.

After brunch Tracy handed out the Easter Baskets to all the kids, grandkids and her loving husband (little, old me). Unfortunately, I almost forgot about the Easter tradition of giving baskets; but as much as it pains me to say so, Wal-Mart came to my rescue. I quickly built a basket for Tracy this morning before our guests arrived. The wrapping was a bit scary, but did the job. The Easter baskets aren’t filled with expensive items, typically just candy and a few fun items. It’s truly more about the giving, that what we are giving. It puts a smile on the faces of the children and grandchildren; and make the adults smile too.

I will say It was a quick holiday. The guests all arrived before 10:00, and all were gone by 3:00. Tracy did an absolute wonderful job as hostess; a role she very much enjoys. It’s one reason we bought the house we live in today.

Easter has a great deal of religious significance for all Christians, but it’s also about family. Easter 2009 was even more so for us because Carlos, Desiree, Carlos Jr and Landen were here to share the holiday with us. They’ve not been able to share Easter with us for sometime, any holiday for that matter. They leave for Carolina in a few weeks, so we get a little more time with them; but not enough. We’ll enjoy every moment we can though; but sharing Easter with them was extra special.

While Tracy cooked up a storm, I did my usual duty as family shutter bug. I’ve posted some of the photos I took today here for family and friends to see.

Easter 2009 Gallery