New Year's Resolutions

Yes, it’s the time of year when minds around the world turn their thoughts to how they can improve their life and the lives of those around them. While losing weight and stopping smoking are typically favorite New Year’s resolutions, I don’t smoke (well I do smoke about 1 cigar every 3 months) and I don’t need to lose any more weight. That being said, I do have resolutions:

  • Keep better track of bills and finances
  • Eat healthier
  • Spend more time with the family
  • Spend less time in my media room
  • Start back up Family Game Night
  • Become more efficient and effective at work
  • Stay more in touch with my friends & family
  • Update my website with greater frequency
  • Stay on-top of my every growing photo collection
  • Read more non-fiction books (actually listen, I use Audible)
  • Work with Kristie on her homework and school
  • Reduce my overall stress levels
  • Take better care of my car

It’s a simple list, but it’s what’s important to me in 2009. I’ve posted it for the world to see; so now I have to make it all come true. How well will I do, I’m a little scared to find out!