Let The Holidays Begin

Well, it’s October 19th so it must be the very special time of year again... The Holidays. You know Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. In the past I used to joke that Christmas decorations would eventually go up before Halloween decorations. This year I appear to be right. Yep, while we were at Willow Bend Mall visiting the Shrine of Apple (read, Apple Store) I noticed that the light fixtures and trees were already adorned with partial christmas decorations and it seems the Santa Village is already built; but still under black tarps. Yesterday I was in Wal-Mart and the seasonal section has Christmas decorations mixed with Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations. I love Christmas as much as the next person, but at this rate the Christmas decorations are going to go on sale one year as part of the Labor Day Sales Spectacular!

On the home front we too are preparing for the holidays. No, we aren’t putting up the Christmas Tree up (yet); but Tracy is getting going to be build her famous Christmas Village this year. So yesterday we took up 4 moving boxes of village stuff and she began sorting through it. In the past she normally wouldn’t start this until November, but she decided that she would “take it easy” this year and start early.

For those of you that will be in town for the holidays, once complete I urge you to give us a ring and stop by to see it. I have no doubt that it will be a site to behold. Tracy loves putting her village together and for her, it just isn’t Christmas without her village. For 3 years now she has had to hold off on doing her 16 year tradition. So this year the game room on the second floor will become the Spore Christmas Village.

So even our house has become a mix of Holidays, because while Tracy was putting up the Village, Kritsie and I were putting the final touches on our modest Halloween decorations outside. A big blow-up skeleton head. So, yes, while I make fun of Wal-Mart mixing-up holidays, the Spores are doing the same.

The Holidays have truly arrived!