Video of Carlos Jr.

Baby Carlos Movie

Tonight I finished my first video in a long, long time Baby Carlos. It isn't a long one, less than 4 minutes, but I believe I have done a fair job. I made use of iMovie and Garageband to make the video. While it was relatively easy, it still took an awfully long time to put it all together. I hope to do many more of these family videos in the coming weeks and months; and do plan on creating a video of the my upcoming wedding. Not sure how well that will work out as we are short on someone to take the video and editing whatever video we do get; will take a very long time.

I love doing this though, as frustrating as it can be to do. When I am done working on a project, small or large, I always have that feeling of serious accomplishment. Anyone can do it, but not everyone wants make their own videos, or spend the time to spruce them up a little so they are as interesting as possible. I know that I have a long way to go before I can make a video that anyone will want to watch more than once, much less a single viewing.

Enjoy this video of Carlos, Jr. As I mentioned, it is quick and simple; but I think you will enjoy.

Carlos, Sr., I made this video especially for you. Your son never stops smiling!