Major Web Update --- Again

Today was a huge day for myself and my family. Today my grandson (well, as soon as I say "I do") was born. Yes, yes, I am a grandfather. Hard to believe isn't it? It's such a big day, that I thought it was the perfect opportunity to launch the latest version of my website. You will find that it has again gone through a major overhaul and this time around is a little more ambitious and I think much better looking.

While I want to take all of the credit, a great deal has to go to Rapidweaver. That's the software I use to design the site. It takes a great deal of the grunt work out of building a website, leaving the creative side to flourish as best is possible. I have a long way to go on "great web design" but it isn't too bad at the moment. My website has always been a work in progress and that will never change. There are already a few things I want to change and those will come with time.

Until then, if you haven't recieved an e-mail with the password to see the pictures of Baby Carlos, e-mail me and I will forward that to you.