1st Father's Day - To the 2nd Power

This father's day was one big trip for me, not in the we are going to Seattle kind of trip, but more like the "acid" variety. I'm not even married yet and I am not just a step-dad, but a grandfather and my dad and mom are both grandparents and great grandparents. When you think about it just a little ways, you come to the unmistakable conclusion that my future as a great grandparent myself is all but certain in well less than three decades. My friends will all be learning to be grandparents while I am learning how to be a great grandparent.... it boggles the mind. Stars help me, if little Carlos tries to drag me into great grandparent mode in 20 years or less. I really can't imagine being a great grandparent at 55.

As mind boggling as all of this truly is to me, this father's day weekend was great. I mean really, my first father's day was also Carlos' first father's day and my dad's first great grandfather's day; oh yeah, and my first grandfather's day to boot. I think I am fixated on that subject? I shouldn't, and really I make it sound like it is a bigger deal to me than it really is to me. I think it is great and Courtney is truly wonderful. I'm sure she will give me moments of pause and there will be days when I know what it was like to be my father, but I think it will all be worth it to me. The grandfather bit, well, icing on the cake.

Father's day went well. I didn't get any ties, none of us got ties. I received a grilling mit, Billy Joel CD collection and a gift certificate to Best Buy; thank you one and all. Dad received a great DVD collection of Ocean documentaries and Carlos got a lot of baby stuff, and a few items for himself. Carlos, welcome to being a dad; it won't always be about you. I think all the Dad's had a great time. I know I did and I look forward to my first "official" father's day next year.

The Fathers, Grandfathers and Great Grandfathers

Great Grandpa Tim Grandpa Kelly
Great Grandpa Paul Carlos Sr. & Carlos Jr.