Vacation - Without a Leash

I'm now more than halfway into my vacation. A week from today I go back to work after two weeks of R&R. Well, the first week was filled with Christmas chores, but was fun none-the-less. Courtney and I did shopping together and went to see King Kong (3 hours and 30 minutes of fun and chills). I also did some solo shopping to find Tracy the "just right" gift, which I did. Now that Christmas is over I have been doing a bit more actual relaxing, watching a few movies, playing a few games and basically vegetating.

Not that my days are chore free, they aren't. Beyond helping Tracy to keep the house looking respectable, I have also had to run a few errands. For example today I had to go and pick up food for the dogs (truly an exciting experience) and I had to pick-up a special as well as expensive splitter so that I can actually operate two direcTV receivers at the same time. Then at the last minute had to drive out to McKinney to pick up some needed court documents from the county seat. None of this is actually the height of excitement, but necessary and actually not that boring. Besides, during it all I picked up a few DVDs that I will use to entertain myself some before the end of my vacation.

Hard to imagine that this is the first vacation I have actually taken since the summer before I was laid off. True, I didn't go anywhere; but a vacation of just staying home is still a welcome journey away from the constant demands of my current job. I also heard today that because of my vacation and someone else having to carry the long leash (pager) there is a better understanding of what goes into carrying the leash. Good news is that I will take another vacation in late 2006 when Tracy and I go on our honeymoon. Don't know where we are going, but we will be taking a trip and I don't plan on taking my leash with me.