Family Photo Archive

Several months ago while visiting my dad I came into possession of a couple of boxes of photos. Apparently Dad had found them and had sorted through them. He asked me if I wanted them. He said some of them were of divides family and asked if I would forward those to them. I agreed and brought the photos home with me. I thought I would find time to sort through them myself, but unfortunately I didn't; until now.

Being on vacation has allowed me a bit of free time and yesterday I began sorting through the photos myself. I also began scanning in the ones I liked or thought were important to hold on to and make available to other family members to see. The project isn't a small one. I have already scanned in nearly 80 photos and that isn't even the tip of the iceberg. I have sorted through most of the ones of David Edwin Spore and his side of the family and I am planning on boxing those up and sending to him in Maryland. The rest are of Dad's branch of the tree.

Tomorrow I plan on digging through the rest of the photos to get an idea of what is there and then begin scanning the best of them. Once they are scanned I make them available in a slide show on my website. I also plan on adding them to my SmugMug account so that any of the family can order prints if they like. It will also ensure they are safely backuped.

The photos range from the mundane to the very interesting. So far I have mostly been surprised by how out-of-focus many of the photos turned out to be. I'm really not sure why. Maybe the camera technology of the day didn't give many in focus shots. However, as the photos become newer they seem to get progressively better.

Keep an eye on the site as more photos should be added over the next week or so.