New "Blogs" Created -- Family All Blogging

Well, I have had KellysWorld Times for some time now. When I first signed up for blogger, to have full control over it (the only way to fly) you had to pay for the service. Google, in their ultimate wisdom, purchased Blogger and well, made it free. That means have more than one blog (or Journal) is easy and setting up accounts for other folks is just as easy. All you need is the space and a domain. I have both!

So, this morning I put the final touches on a blog for Tracy and called it "Coffee Talk." Tracy loves the site and has already made some changes to it. She has a working knowledge of HTML and Blogger does make it painfully easy. There aren't many templates though, so I had to design a template myself and a graphic. I used a template I found on-line, as I did with my blog, and built from there. The graphic I designed myself, but have to admit I stole the coffee cup image from the web. You can check out her new site <here.>

Tracy's turned out so well, that I decided to tackle one more and create a blog for Courtney. I knew what I wanted to do for Tracy from the get-go, coffee was the theme. For Courtney though I didn't know. So I backed into it by designing the graphic first. By the time I was done and with a little help from Tracy "Girl Talk" was born. You can check out her new site <here.>