Cold But Successful

It was cold, windy and a bit wet; but over-all our Family Fun Day in the Park was a success. Not because loads of people showed up, as only about 6 people beyond the 6 committee members did come, but because we collected a lot of stuff on behalf of Marine Moms. The event today was two fold, have fun with the family and collect goods for service men and women overseas in Iraq, a program sponsored by a group called Marine Moms.

One of our committee members filled her car, small though it may be, with various items on our list. Foot powers, batteries, tooth brushes, deoderant, razors and lots more. In a month or two there will be some very happy US Marines.

So we may have chilled our butts, but we did it for a good cause. A success in my book. Course I am the publicity chair and it just doesn't sound good to say, "Program Complete Failure" on the web site; and it wasn't.

Our next even will be a happy hour and we may even try and collect more goods on behalf of Marine Moms. It gave us all a nice warm and fuzzy, which is nice on a cold afternoon in May.