Weekend... Really?

Here I am on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and what am I doing? Working of all things. No, it isn't house work, yard work or any other "weekend" activity you might imagine. I'm not working in the camera store or doing any kind of work that will earn me a few extra bucks. So what kind of work? Preparing a presentation for my first big project at HighPointe.

For several months now an old buddy from Fujitsu and myself have been working to create a new application to replace the mirrored of other systems currently used by HighPointe to track contracts, contacts and all the other important data that makes our company tick. On Wednesday we will finally show off a working prototype of the web based application.

So, today, my friend is over here at my house clicking away on his keyboard making adjustments, cleaning up code and adding in the missing pieces. While he does that I am racking my brain trying to figure out the best way to present this new application to the President of the company, the CFO and my boss and possibly others who might sit in on the meeting.

HighPointe isn't a huge company, in fact it only has a handful of direct employees. Most of the people in the office work for the parent organization. Never-the-less everyone is involved in the progress of HighPointe and this new application is seen as key in that progress. For better or worse that's how I sold them on developing the application and in a few days I will have to prove that we have done it and show them that we should begin the process of moving into production as well as convience them that continued development is extreamly important.

Here's to believing that they too will see that this application, fully web based, can be a integral part of HighPointe.