The Webmaster taketh away...

For those of you just joining us, you may have missed the mysterious death of Kelly's World and are now witnessing the re-birth. Dramatic, maybe, and I guess to stay the death of Kelly's World is a bit "melo-dramatic" but gut wrenching pain wouldn't be far from the truth.

What happened you ask... Well simply I got caught between the desire to have the greatest and the lack of communication skills of your average techie customer support person. The short story is, I found out that my web provider had recently upgraded their equipment and software and that if I wanted to move over to this new system I was free to do so. I would get a faster server, newer backend software and new features I might be able to make use of in What the tech support person failed to mention and I would learn only after having a damn heart attack, is that there is one big catch to moving servers---- TOTAL LOSS OF ALL DATA. The account moves, the data doesn't.

I would later find out that the tech is supposed to tell you this and tell the customer that there data will remain where it was for two weeks before finally being deleted. Meaning that you have to move your data manually in that time, or it is lost for ever. Well, that wasn't a problem, but when I learned this and used the address I was given... The data didn't appear. So after many more minutes and a few holes in my walls from the thumping of my hard head I learned that the address I had been given was right a while back, but for some reason had been changed several months ago and wasn't noted in their system.

So the story has a semi-happy ending, but never-the-less it made for a stressful Friday night. One I would rather not have to "enjoy" again. However, since I had already started down the road I figured I might as well finish the road and complete the process so that I might be able to enjoy the benefits of their new equipment. Hopefully it will have been worth the trouble.

So, in the end the Webmaster givith and the Webmaster taketh away...