Dinner Party for Three

Last night, Jim and Sharon (uncle and aunt) came to my house for dinner. Jim had already worked his magic with the steaks before coming over and I prepared a few simple side dishes. After chatting for a while, Jim proceed to grill the steaks to near perfection.

To top off the evening we actually ate dinner in my dinning room. This may not sound like a big deal, but it was the first time I had ever eaten dinner in the dinning room. I have a nice kitchenette and eat most of my meals there. My formal dinning room is far from formal in appearance, but eating in there still feels formal.

Gracy did her best to beg and make us all feel pitty for her since she wasn't given a seat at the table. To Jim and Sharon's credit they didn't buckle under the intense pressure. I did though, after a spell, break down and put a little beef in her bowl.

Everyone had a good time, including Gracy. After dinner showed off her ability to round the yard at nearly supersonic speeds. All were impressed, of course. I guess she had reason to be happy, a couple of guests, filet mignon in her bowl and a good solid run in her very big yard. What more could a dog ask for in a evening.

All in all, the evening went very well and even ended with a brilliant display of colors and light as the sun set behind the rain washed clouds.