Way to Early

This morning, in just under 2 hours, I start my new "full-time" job. The name of the company is Highpointe; a rooftop management company. What is a roof top management company you ask? Well, simply put, Highpointe acts as a 3rd party between high rise building owners and any company looking for the high point in any given area for transmission services. The best example, and I assume the biggest possible market, is mobile telecom. Companies like Sprint PCS or AT&T.

So that is what Highpointe does; "what about me" you ask? Well, I will be doing both administrative work and contract management. The contract management piece of my job should, at least for now, take up a majority of my time. I will be responsible for taking the boiler plate contracts and modifying them to fit the client's needs and then tracking the redlines as the contract goes back and forth between the client and Highpointe. I did this at Fujitsu for several contracts, now I will be doing it at a much more intense level.

The company is located near downtown in the Mockingbird Station district. This offers me several opportunities. First and foremost Mockingbird station is just as it sounds, a train station. DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) provides service from Plano through Mockingbird to downtown. Since my drive to work could be lengthy at times, I will eventually try to the train. It would mean getting up earlier as it is about a 30 minute train ride, but could save me some wear and tear on my car. It may not turn out to be a good idea, but I will give it a try eventually. Mockingbird Station is also a good size shopping and eating district. Yesterday, Sunday, I had lunch at a very nice Irish Pub and I look forward to returning for their excellent Chicken Pot (like chicken pot pie, but no flaky crust). There is also an "art" movie theater there as well. They show the films the big movie theaters won't. Finally, there is a Virgin Records store! Nice... Means if I want to pick up a new CD or check out the sounds of a New CD it is just a five minute walk from the office. That's right, Mockingbird station is right next door.

The only problem I see with this job... I have to get up at 6:00. At Fujitsu I was 12 minutes away from the office, so getting up at 7:00 was doable and working in the apartment industry getting up between 7 and 8 was easy. Not any more! It is just way to early. I am a morning person, but I hate getting up!

Well, it is about time to head off to work. Wish me luck in my new endeavor, even if it is way to early to be up and blogging; or doing anything else but watching the news.