As the Sun Sets ... No Call Backs!!

I know... No news could be good news; but after being unemployed (short of this current gig) for several moons now I am ready to get back up on that career horse and take her up to a fast stride. Right now I could outrun the horse. For one job the waiting isn't too bad, just over 24 hours now since I had my interview so I shouldn't expect much yet. The other job is a bit more frustrating since it has been two weeks. As grandma used to say though, all good things come to those that wait. Translation "patience is a virture." I just wish I wasn't constantly being challenged with how much patience I have; if I were a doctor I would have a thriving business. (okay bad joke, move on)

So the waiting continues. Maybe I will hear something tomorrow. The recruiter seem to think he would have something resembling an answer in a day or two; I didn't get the same feeling from the person I interviewed with, but that isn't too uncommon I think.

So the sun sets on another day of unemployement. Not the way I usually picture a sunset, hope I never have to "enjoy" this kind of sunset again.