Choices, nice to have, nice to choose

I had an interview on Tuesday, June 24th, and I believe it went well. I don't want to say much more about it until after I hear back from the company. I know that they are looking for someone that is willing to get his hands dirty, work on various kinds of projects and basically help the company to get things running as smoothly as possible. All aspects of my previous post with Fujitsu and all aspects of a job that I really enjoy. There is also the possibility of upward mobility and that is always an attractive idea.

In addition to that job prospect, I recieved a phone call today from a recuriter I have spoken with briefly a few times previously. Last week he asked if he could send my resume to a company looking for someone with Siebel and SAP experience (enterprise applications). Now I don't know a great deal more about the job, still waiting to recieve the job description. From what little I have heard it does sound interesting. The good news though is simply this, he said that the company he is trying to set me up with is interested in interviewing me this week. Now seeing as there are only two days left in the week, I don't know if that will happen; but last I heard he was just waiting to hear from them with a suggested interview date. The job and salary are interesting enough to me to want to take a look and see more of what they have to offer.

Finally I spoke with the manager of the community I am working at and he is willing to consider me for one of the open possitions that he has open at the moment. The possition would be challenging in many regards, in some ways pulling on abilities I honed at Fujitsu and in other ways requiring me to hone new abilities. Of the three jobs I currently have pending in some state or another, this would be the biggest change in direction; but not a huge one.

What is best about all of this, if it all comes together, I will have a few choices; and choices are always a great thing to have around. Not for the purposes of negotiating, I don't think it would work anyway; but choices are great to have so that when you make a choice it really is just that a choice. Good or bad in the end, you can say that you chose the event; the event didn't choose you.