Skilled Worker Looking For A N Y T H I N G that pays in dollars

Okay, it's been a few months that I have enjoyed the various benifits of being unemployed. I mean did you know that if you go the first movie of the day you can see a first run movie for the same price of rental from your favorite video store? How about the ability to go grocery shopping and get really fresh foods and no lines! Even at SuperTarget and Wal-Mart Supercenter! Amazing. Well, I didn't and if I had never learned this I would be three times as happy and my bank account twice as big.

I have been shooting out resumes with all the precision of a shotgun, but hopefully I will at least get someone's attention. I mean, don't get me wrong leasing apartments is an "intersting" job that allows me to grow my people abiliites and stretch those unused salesman muscles. OKAY --- I CAN BARELY TAKE IT ANYMORE. Actually, it isn't too bad. It all really depends on where I am working. The community I worked at last week was just increadible. Just celebrating its one year anniversary they are still working to fill up their apartments. A serious trick when you realize that their cheapest apartment runs $1200 a month and the biggest townhome goes for nearly $3000 a month. Hey when your apartment comes with extra carpet padding, ceramic tiles in the entry and kitchen, cable/phone outlets on nearly every wall, crown molding, quality wood, and of course huge bathrooms, closets and bedrooms. Still, 902 sq feet for $1200 a month is well, about the worst price to sq foot you could ever imagine. Did I mention that's more than my mortgage on my nearly 1500 sq foot home?

But I digress. IF ANYONE KNOWS OF ANYONE HIRING, call me. Please call me. Nothing illegal though, well, nothing too illegal.