Welcome to Toluca, Mexico

Yep, I am in Mexico again. Here in Toluca. The flight down was pretty good. The gentleman in the seat next to me was very interesting. He has been coming to Mexico for nearly 30 years. He married a Mexico woman, her name Adriana. The same as the young woman I am visiting here. Pretty weird eh? Anyway, the flight was good and pretty short at only 2 1/2 hours. The drive from the airport to Toluca though, that is a different story. Mexico City is a confusing place and we had a bit of trouble getting to Toluca. But we made it in the end. I ended the adventure having my favorite Mexican food, Tacos El Pastor. Can´t get them in Dallas, or any other place in the states that I know of. The meet of a pig, pork, is cooked over an open flame on a spic that is placed veritical, not horizontal. They then slice pieces of the meat off one little chunk at a time. That meat is then put on small tortillas and served up hot. Very good. I don´t do them justice. Did I mention how increadibly inexpensive Mexico is? I enjoyed a corona for all of $14 (Mex) pesos, that´s about $1.20(US) for you and I. Anyway, Adris has much planned for the day. So until later....