Made A Few More Changes

Notice now that I have a better title up top and it matches the new title for the updated web site. The basic background color for the new web site is slighter lighter than the current one. Not sure if I like it yet, but I think it will be easier on the eyes. The darkness of the current site seems to detract a little from the site; but I don't want to go to white. I like a bit of color... Don't ask me what color it is though, it was chosen from a large pallet and is simply a code.
Anyway the new title looks good, I thinik. So the journal is live with the new changes, but not the rest of the site. You will notice that if you are messing with the beta site that if you now click on Gallery or Family, instead of taking you to no-man's land; you get to the appropriate HTM page, but get a Under Construction notice and are automatically taken back to the Home Page, of the main site not the beta. Just easier in the end so I have less links to play with when the new site goes Gold.