Going to Mexico

Okay, well next week I am going back to Mexico to spend some time with Adriana. For those of you that don't know, I met Adriana when I was in Mexico for Brett's wedding. We danced and talked most of the evening at the reception and had a great time. After I returned to home we started talking over the internet. We used chat programs and video conferencing to stay in touch. We have been planning for me to come down for a while now but with my being unemployed the the timing didn't seem right. Timing right now is perfect. I start with my new company on Monday and American Airlines has a cheap fare to Mexico City. So late Thursday afternoon I am off to Mexico City and will return on Monday. I will be staying in Toluca which is a city just out-side Mexico City.
This should be a nice relaxing vacation and a great chance to spend some quality time with Adris, giving us both a chance to get to know each other better. Not sure exactly what we will do yet, but I am sure we will have a great time; until then I have plenty of paperwork to fill out for my new job and hopefully some work too.