
Kelly's Tweets for 2009-09-20

  • Testing a photo tool sync again. #
  • Another test. #
  • Relaxing morning with the family. Little Titus running all about, trying to get into trouble. #
  • Brother has gone in search of Sonic to feed the starving hordes. Okay, a few hungry folks. #
  • TU playing OU and getting their butts kicked... so far it's a shutout... 0 to 38... WOW... A real beating. #
  • Going to my Uncle's for dinner. Should be fun. First time they've met Titus. #
  • @Pastor_Brion I should root for TU, but alas I'm afraid it's a lost cause today. in reply to Pastor_Brion #

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-09-19

  • @donmcallister my kids have NONE. they use facebook but don't get Tweeting. Maybe we need to rename the service. #
  • @pastor_brion YEAH!!!!! #
  • I uploaded a YouTube video -- Titus & the Couch #
  • Had a great dinner at Ballard Street Cafe with my family and my brother's family. Good to have him in town for a week. #
  • My sister-in-law just read my tweet of the last minute. That's the first time she's read a tweet I've sent while in the same room. #
  • She should be reading that last one right about now.... #
  • She thinks i'm out of control.... i'm not! Really, I'm not... I can't stop tweeting. I really can..... .... maybe not.... #
  • @pastor_Brion having a good time? #

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-09-17

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-09-15

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-09-14

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-09-13

  • @patricknorton a little old spark of lightning took out the power? The power lines are eartquake proof but not storm proof. Hmmmm in reply to patricknorton #
  • Yes I'm up. Little choice in the matter when your dogs say get up you have to listen. It's that or call the poud, either way you're up. #
  • @ijustine your last tweet, HUH??? in reply to ijustine #
  • Just saw aliens in the Attic with Kristie. Actually pretty funny and fun! #

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-09-12

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